quinta-feira, 10 de maio de 2012

Die Deutsch Wochenchau

Captured German War Film

National Archives and Records Administration


War Department. Military Intelligence Division. (08/26/1918 - 04/19/1947)

ARC Identifier 43889 / Local Identifier 242-MID-3149. Reel 1 shows styles of Ger. architecture. Part 2, Ger. soldiers visit coal mines in the Ruhr. Part 3, Ger. seamen load cargo on to ships. Part 4, Adm. Doenitz speaks at a rally of Ger. seamen. Part 5, Nazi motor corps volunteers are examined by doctors, issued uniforms, and entrain for the Russ. front. Part 6, Gens. Rommel and Jodi confer with officers and inspect the coastal defenses in N. France. Part 7, Ger. fighter pilots return from patrol, eat, exercise, receive ultra-violet ray treatments, and play billiards and checkers. Reel 2, Part 1, truckloads of supplies roll up to the Ital. front. Labor troops construct coastal fortifications. Antiaircraft guns shoot down an allied plane attacking Ger. lines in Italy. Ger. fighter planes return to their base. Part 2, shows ski troops in the Abruzzi Mts., a field radio in operation, and pack animals bringing in supplies. Part 3, troops clear snow from trenches in the Vitebsk area of the Russ. front. Russ. prisoners are marched to the rear and tanks move up. An artillery barrage repels a Russ. attack. Tanks armed with rocket launchers move through a burning village.

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