banda sonora - italiano # dobrado em castelhano
Enviado por verdi0381 em 31/12/2010
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Rome, Open City (Italian: Roma, città aperta) is a 1945 Italian war drama film, directed by Roberto Rossellini. The picture features Aldo Fabrizi, Anna Magnani and Marcello Pagliero, and is set in Rome during the Nazi occupation in 1944. The film won several awards at various film festivals and was also nominated for an Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay.
Rome est déclarée « ville ouverte » ; le chef d'un réseau de résistance communiste, l'ingénieur Manfredi, traqué par la Gestapo, se cache chez un imprimeur, Francesco, bientôt marié à Pina (Anna Magnani) qui le fait rentrer en contact avec Don Pietro, le curé de la paroisse catholique, résistant lui aussi.
World War II physically and economically devastated the film industries of the Soviet Union, Japan, and most European nations. Italy’s early surrender, however, left its facilities relatively intact, enabling the Italian cinema to lead the post-World War II film renaissance with its development of the Neorealist movement. Although it had roots in both Soviet expressive realism and French poetic realism, Neorealism was decidedly national in focus, taking as its subject the day-to-day reality of a country traumatized by political upheaval and war. (Enciclopedia Britânica)
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