Fantasia - L'apprenti Sorcier
Emeuh83 — 4 de Novembro de 2007 — Fantasia l'apprenti sorcier french disney
Fantasia (Walt Disney) - Night on Bald Mountain
Fantasia - Deleted Scene: Clair De Lune
Toccata and Fugue in D Minor - Fantasia (1940)
Pokellan — 2 de Julho de 2007 — Sequencia Musical Toccata and Fugue in D Minor do Filme Fantasia.
The Waltz of the Flowers - Fantasia 1940
1000musica — 6 de Outubro de 2008 — The Waltz of the Flowers - Tchaikowxky - Fantasia 1940
Nutcracker Suite - Fantasia 1940
1000musica — 6 de Outubro de 2008 — Nutcracker Suite -Tchaikowsky - Fantasia 1940
Fantasia - The Pastoral Symphony - UNCUT
Ave Maria - Fantasia 1940
Emeuh83 — 4 de Novembro de 2007 — Fantasia l'apprenti sorcier french disney
Fantasia (Walt Disney) - Night on Bald Mountain
antoniof75 — 13 de Julho de 2008 — Estratto dal lungometraggio "Fantasia" Musica di Modest Mussorgsky
Fantasia - Deleted Scene: Clair De Lune
LunaticPoet220690 — 2 de Fevereiro de 2009 — Original title: "Clair De Lune" ( deleted segment from "Fantasia" ) Year: 1940
Cast: Directed by SAM ARMSTRONG music by CLAUDE DEBUSSY`s "Clair De Lune" and perfomed by LEOPOLD STOKOWSKI and THE PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA produced by WALT DISNEY
Toccata and Fugue in D Minor - Fantasia (1940)
Pokellan — 2 de Julho de 2007 — Sequencia Musical Toccata and Fugue in D Minor do Filme Fantasia.
The Waltz of the Flowers - Fantasia 1940
1000musica — 6 de Outubro de 2008 — The Waltz of the Flowers - Tchaikowxky - Fantasia 1940
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Nutcracker Suite - Fantasia 1940
1000musica — 6 de Outubro de 2008 — Nutcracker Suite -Tchaikowsky - Fantasia 1940
Fantasia - The Pastoral Symphony - UNCUT
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ProbradIII — 3 de Setembro de 2008 — These infamous scenes from the Pastoral Symphony sequence of Fantasia have been banned from public viewing since 1969, for Disney is more-or-less ashamed of the racist (by today's standards) cartoon scenes. When you watch this, you'll understand why. However, I personally believe that a true cartoon treasure like this should be enjoyed and entertained in the spirit of its time. By no means would I encourage my children to watch these cartoons without some further education of it's time, but I still think that these precious moments of art should be cherished for it's beauty, not it's political statements.
Disney, if you are reading this, I strongly support the release of the true uncut Fantasia (as well as Saludos Amigos and Pecos Bill from Melody Time), but Fantasia especially is a sort of art that people like to love and hold, for we all know that nothing quite like it will ever be recreated (no pun intended towards Fantasia 2000) The public understands the difficulty and pressure you may be under to shelve these scenes from your films and avoid any misinterpretations of the common people, but these films deserve to be enjoyed in the spirit of their time; you've had Leonard Maltin lecture us on it on more than one occasion. If you can muster up the courage to release the uncut versions of your most endearing cartoon films, perhaps someday you'll find it in your hearts to release Song of The South too, hopefully before your rights expire; we all know that time is running out.
Disney, I know that before long you will ask Youtube to ban my post, but I ask of you to respond to my letter via email bw2.0@telus.net
Disney, if you are reading this, I strongly support the release of the true uncut Fantasia (as well as Saludos Amigos and Pecos Bill from Melody Time), but Fantasia especially is a sort of art that people like to love and hold, for we all know that nothing quite like it will ever be recreated (no pun intended towards Fantasia 2000) The public understands the difficulty and pressure you may be under to shelve these scenes from your films and avoid any misinterpretations of the common people, but these films deserve to be enjoyed in the spirit of their time; you've had Leonard Maltin lecture us on it on more than one occasion. If you can muster up the courage to release the uncut versions of your most endearing cartoon films, perhaps someday you'll find it in your hearts to release Song of The South too, hopefully before your rights expire; we all know that time is running out.
Disney, I know that before long you will ask Youtube to ban my post, but I ask of you to respond to my letter via email bw2.0@telus.net
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1000musica — 9 de Outubro de 2008 — Ave Maria - Fantasia 1940
Domingo, 29 de Novembro de 2009
Nutcracker Suite - Fantasia 1940
6 de Outubro de 2008
Nutcracker Suite - Fantasia 1940
.Fantasia 1940 - The Sorcerer's Apprentice
9 de Janeiro de 2009
9 de Janeiro de 2009
A clip from Walt Disney's "Fantasia" (which was used again in "Fantasia 2000"). The Sorcerer's Apprentice tells the story of an apprentice who cannot control the magic that he has tried to use, with Mickey Mouse in the role of the apprentice.
It was suppose to be Mickey's first appearance in his current design today, but wasn't released till 1940. So Mickey's current design was first seen in a short subject "The Pointer" in 1939.
It was suppose to be Mickey's first appearance in his current design today, but wasn't released till 1940. So Mickey's current design was first seen in a short subject "The Pointer" in 1939.
Direção | Samuel Armstrong James Algar Bill Roberts Paul Satterfield Ben Sharpsteen David D. Hand Hamilton Luske Jim Handley Ford Beebe T. Hee Norm Ferguson Wilfred Jackson |
Produção | Walt Disney |
Roteiro | Joe Grant Dick Huemer |
Elenco original | Leopold Stokowski Orquestra de Filadélfia |
Género | Animação Musical |
Idioma original | Inglês |
Música | Johann Sebastian Bach Piotr Ilitch Tchaikovsky Paul Dukas Ígor Stravinski Ludwig van Beethoven Modest Mussorgsky Franz Schubert Amilcare Ponchielli |
Estúdio | Walt Disney Pictures |
Distribuição | Walt Disney Pictures RKO Pictures |
Segmentos do filme
A trilha sonora de Fantasia foi gravada utilizando múltiplos canais de áudio e reproduzidos no sistema Fantasound, uma maneira pioneira de reprodução de som que fez do longa o primeiro filme comercial lançado com som estéreo.
De Johann Sebastian Bach; pela primeira vez, Disney e seus artistas se arriscaram no mundo da abstração e a equipe de efeitos especiais teve a chance de colocar todo o seu talento na tela.[1].
De Tchaikovsky; é o segmento onde os artistas tomaram um caminho diferente da tradicional história envolvendo brinquedos, fazendo sua própria interpretação da música e mostrando um número que simboliza as estações do ano, através de fadas aladas e outros elementos da natureza, como flores e peixes bailarinos, cogumelos chineses e cravos russos;[2].
De Paul Dukas; apresenta Mickey Mouse no papel do feiticeiro afobado que quer aprender seu ofício antes da hora. Para isso, ele rouba o chapéu mágico de seu mestre Yen-Sid e dá vida várias vassouras para encher o caldeirão de água e, como resultado de sua teimosia, cria algo que nem ele mesmo sabe controlar;[2].
De Igor Stravinsky; é como uma explicação científica da evolução da vida na Terra, desde os primeiros seres microscópicos aos gigantescos dinossauros.
De Beethoven; tem como cenário o Monte Olimpo e o elenco de personagens é composto de figuras fantasiosas como cavalos alados que cortam o céu, sátiros que saltam pelos campos, cupidos, centauros e suas namoradas. Este segmento do filme causou muita polêmica ao mostrar centauros e cupidos nus e mostrou uma centaura negra.[2]
De Amilcare Ponchielli, apresenta uma sátira ao balé clássico e representa as horas do dia por um grupo de animais, como avestruzes, hipopótamos, elefantes e jacarés;
De Modest Mussorgsky; é ilustrado pelo demônio Chernabog que vive no alto de uma montanha, e que na noite de Halloween vem atormentar as almas de um vilarejo.
De Franz Schubert; o segmento apresenta uma procissão religiosa que segue até uma capela gótica.
Fantasia est le troisième long-métrage d'animation et « Classique d'animation » des studios Disney, sorti à la fin de l'année 1940. Sa production a été lancée peu après Blanche-Neige et les Sept Nains (1937) en parallèle de Pinocchio sorti au début de l'année 1940.
Ce film est une expérimentation sans dialogue (excepté le chef d'orchestre et Mickey Mouse) dont le but est d'illustrer ou d'accompagner avec l'animation des thèmes de la musique classique. Huit extraits musicaux, joués pour la plupart par l'orchestre de Philadelphie sous la direction de Leopold Stokowski en composent les sept séquences animées. C'est aussi pour de nombreux auteurs et critiques une œuvre d'art d'un genre nouveau, un pont entre les arts et une « nouvelle forme de présenter l'art » (un nouveau média).
Fantasia, qui n'eut pas à sa sortie le succès habituel des productions Disney de l'époque, est le premier volet d'une série voulue par Walt Disney. Grâce à la volonté de Roy Edward Disney, neveu de Walt, un second volet, Fantasia 2000 est sorti en 1999. (Wikipedia)
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