Enviado por Picasso4fun em 20/02/2012
Rocco and His Brothers (1960) The drama is study of a rural Italian family led north to Milan by the matriarch (Katina Paxinou). Presented in five distinct sections, the film weaves the story of Vincenzo, Simone, Rocco, Ciro and Luca as they struggle to adapt to life in a large, impersonal city.
Rocco e i suoi fratelli (English: Rocco and His Brothers) is a 1960 Italian and French film directed byLuchino Visconti. Set in Milan, it tells the story of an immigrant family from the South and its disintegration in the society of the industrial North. The film stars Alain Delon, Renato Salvatori, Annie Girardot, and Claudia Cardinale, in one of her early roles before she became internationally known. The film's score was composed by Nino Rota.
The film critic for The New York Times, Bosley Crowther, gave the film a positive review and appreciated the direction of the film and acting. He wrote, "A fine Italian film to stand alongside the American classic, The Grapes of Wrath, opened last night ...It is Luchino Visconti's Rocco and His Brothers (Rocco e i suoi fratelli), and it comes here
garlanded with laurels that are quite as appropriate in this context as they are richly deserved...Signor Visconti has clearly conceived his film and that is what his brilliant handling of events and characters makes one feel. There's a blending of strong emotionalism and realism to such an extent that the margins of each become fuzzy and indistinguishable...Alain Delon as the sweet and loyal Rocco...is touchingly pliant and expressive, but it is Renato Salvatori ...who fills the screen with the anguish of a tortured and stricken character. His raw and restless performance is overpowering and unforgettable...[and the] French actress Annie Girardot is likewise striking as the piteous prostitute..."
The staff at Variety magazine lauded the drama, and wrote, "With all its faults, this is one of the top achievements of the year in Italy...Scripting shows numerous hands at work, yet all is pulled together by Visconti's dynamic and generally tasteful direction. Occasionally, as in the near-final revelation to the family of Simone's crime, the action gets out of hand and comes close to melodrama. Yet the impact of the main story line, aided by the sensitive, expertly guided playing of Alain Delon as Rocco, Annie Girardot as the prostie, and Renato Salvatori as Simone, is great. Katina Paxinou at times is perfect, at others she is allowed to act too theatrically and off-key."
When the film was released in DVD format, critic Glenn Erickson said, "A major pleasure of Rocco and his Brothers is simply seeing its portrait of life in working-class Milan in 1960. Beautifully directed in the housing projects and streets of the city, this is a prime example of a film which will accrue historical interest simply because it shows so much of how people lived and what places looked like (now) 40 years ago."
Rocco et ses frères (Rocco e i suoi fratelli) est un film franco-italien de Luchino Visconti (1960).
Appartenant à la veine néo-réaliste du cinéma italien et, incontestablement, un des grands chefs d'œuvre de Luchino Visconti, Rocco e i suoi fratelli conte les déboires d’une famille de Basilicaterécemment immigrée à Milan.
Dans l’Italie d’après-guerre, celle de la reconstruction et de la ré-industrialisation, l’innocence, la naïveté et les traditions méridionales se heurtent à la réalité des temps modernes et de la vie urbaine. Véritable électrochoc social et humaniste, l’œuvre de Luchino Visconti évite l’écueil du pathos et de l’apitoiement en forgeant une réelle identité à ses compagnons de route. Tour à tour, la vie des frères Parondi est mise au jour sous la lumière froide du soleil milanais et le lot funeste que le scénario de Visconti leur réserve.
Une histoire qui, en vérité, retrace le combat des hommes face à leur destin, le sens même de leur existence, broyé par le Juggernaut inépuisable de la question sociale. L’ange côtoie le démon, qui fréquente la diablesse, elle-même déchue de ses propres rêves, se métamorphosant en martyre. Déracinée, abaissée puis humiliée, la famille Parondi se désagrège sous les yeux du spectateur, comprenant qu’en grand chef d’orchestre, Visconti y dirige les dernières heures d’une Italie métamorphosée, où la poésie et la beauté du Mezzogiorno n’a plus sa place. Loin des oliviers et de leur « terra ingrata », nos cinq frères n’ont plus que l’amour des autres et d’eux-mêmes, pour vivre et survivre dans un monde étranger.
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