banda sonora - inglês
Enviado por bigfootisreal100 em 02/01/2011
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The full movie of Easy Rider (1969) starring Peter Fonda, Dennis Hoper and Jack Nicholson.
Easy Rider (br: Sem Destino / pt: Easy Rider) é um road movie americano de 1969, escrito por Peter Fonda, Dennis Hoppere Terry Southern, produzido por Fonda e dirigido por Hopper.
Conta a história de dois motociclistas que viajam através do sul e sudoeste do Estados Unidos, com o objectivo de alcançar a liberdade pessoal. O sucesso de Easy Rider ajudou a avivar a fase New Hollywood do cinema norte-americano durante a década de 1960.
Um marco na filmografia de contracultura,[1] e a "pedra-de-toque" de uma geração" que "capturou a imaginação nacional",[2]Easy Rider explora as paisagens sociais, assuntos e tensões na América da década de 1960, tal como a ascensão e queda do movimento hippie, o uso de drogas e estilo de vida comunal.
Easy Rider is a 1969 American road movie written by Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper, and Terry Southern, produced by Fonda and directed by Hopper. It tells the story of two bikers (played by Fonda and Hopper) who travel through the American Southwest and South with the aim of asserting their freedom. The success of Easy Rider helped spark the New Hollywood phase of filmmaking during the late sixties. The film was added to the Library of Congress National Registry in 1998.
A landmark counterculture film,[2] and a "touchstone for a generation" that "captured the national imagination,"[3] Easy Rider explores the societal landscape, issues, and tensions in the United States during the 1960s, such as the rise and fall of the hippie movement, drug use, and communal lifestyle. Easy Rider is famous for its use of real drugs in its portrayal of marijuana and other substances
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